im out of titles

remind me to nevar evar take a break from blogging. the stats are revolting T_T

so, uh, ive been busy lately (read: procrastinating) and havent been capable of typing. (ITS A LIE) *rolls around in new post* my url, again, is please remember that thank you 🙂

i thought i had a lot to say. i have never been so wrong. will have a horrible english test tomorrow so im kinda hyperventilating. im not sure if im masking it well or not, but ive been super tired. no amounts of vanilla chai can wake me up. then again, chai is green tea, which has minimal amounts of caffeine. *dies*  

oh yeah this picture



it is so freaking adorable. its from star wars (duh) when jabba the hut threw luke into the pit through his trap door, he escaped the monster after smashing the door on it. it’s owner was shot crying over the beast. i guess this is their story. adorables. ❤

unlike my life. hope i made you rotfl, allama ❤